Selling to the Commonwealth.
Learn about Virginia’s procurement marketplace where all of Virginia State Agencies, Colleges and Universities, as well as many Local Governments, post bidding opportunities, get quotes, and place orders for goods and services.
eVA Vendor Outreach
eVA outreach calendar of events
Free to join, eVA registration gives you access to many free services and tools including automated placement on bidders list and email/fax notifications for business opportunities with Virginia State Agencies, Colleges and Universities, as well as many Local Governments.
Purchasing Rules – the Vendors Manual
Commonwealth purchasing rules distinguish small dollar from large dollar purchases:
- Small Purchases $100k & under
- $10K = single small business quote
- Over $10K - $100,000 = unsealed bidding
- Large Purchase Over $100k
- Over $100,000 = sealed solicitation
The Vendors Manual is a guide designed to provide complete information on the purchasing rules from a vendor’s perspective.
State by State Reciprocal Preference Data
This link accesses the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) website that provides information on preferences established within each State.
Become a SWaM Certified Vendor
Virginia manages a formal certification process to identify vendors as a Small, Woman-owned, Minority-owned business and/or other classifications. This is an important part of defining yourself in doing business with Virginia.
Access “How to” guides and training videos on:
Free functionality that allows Vendors to either provide a catalog file to be loaded into eVA or have eVA directly access your own shopping website through a technology called “Punchout”.
Procurement Complaint Form
(for DPS/VITA State Contract vendors only) Word Document
The official method for Vendors to submit complaints regarding contracts issued by the Division of Purchases and Supply (DPS) or the Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA).
Inactive eVA Vendor Accounts
Vendor’s accounts may be inactive for a number of reasons. The inactive vendor list is available for buyers and vendors as a reference to resolve accounts (click to find out more about eVA statuses). Included, are all businesses and individuals excluded from contracting with state agencies through debarment, enjoinment, or suspension by the Commonwealth under the Construction Professional Services Manual (CPSM) and the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual (APSPM).
Additional resources for Construction Enjoinment and Debarment are provided by DGS Division of Engineering and Buildings (DEB).
Request the Use of the eVA logo and Name by your company
Vendors may receive authorization to use the eVA logo and name on their website and/or printed materials. This link provides access to guidelines on use and instructions to request authorization.