Welcome Buyers

We are pleased to provide state-of-the-art training for a state-of-the-art system. eVA training follows a blended learning approach known as "Learning as a Journey", which offers different types of learning materials through multiple methods, such as eLearning, Quick Guides, Virtual Instructor-Led Learning, Videos, and Guided Practice. Learning journeys give users the information they need to succeed using eVA in their daily jobs.

Miranda Bowling
Training Lead

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I access training?

Step 1: Please visit the How to Access eVA Transition Training tab.

Step 2: Review the Accessing eVA Training guide.

Step 3: If you still need assistance, please contact the Virginia Institute of Procurement (VIP) Learning Management System (LMS) help desk at absorb@dgs.virginia.gov.

Which training should I take?

Step 1: Consider the primary tasks you perform in the current eVA platform.

Step 2: Take a look at the Learning Pathways to determine which pathway most closely aligns with the primary tasks you perform in eVA. Once you identify your learning pathway, log in to the VIP LMS, and enroll in that pathway.

Step 3: Are you still unsure about which training to take? Please check with your supervisor, your procurement manager, or your Account Executive.

Who do I contact with questions, comments, or concerns?

Accessing Training: VIP LMS Helpdesk

Policies: End users, please contact your supervisor/procurement manager. Agency heads/procurement managers, please contact your Account Executive.

Train the Trainer (TTT): Vacant

Training Content: Vacant

Training Data: LMS Helpdesk absorb@dgs.virginia.gov 

Training Schedule: LMS Helpdesk absorb@dgs.virginia.gov 

Training Environment: Please contact your account executive